Monday, June 16, 2008

Coldplay Tickets Bought, but Not Without Stress

I'll be in Chicago with my brothers Derek and Ethan on July 23 to see Coldplay. Tickets went on sale at exactly 1:00 p.m. EDT on Saturday, and I was ready and waiting at my laptop.

When the clock struck 1:00 I immediately searched for three tickets in the highest price bracket -- we had agreed to indulge, realizing it may be a once-in-a-lifetime chance -- only to find a message from Ticketmaster explaining my search hadn't yielded any results. My mind was officially blown.

Crazy that tickets to any act can begin to sell out within mere seconds of going on sale. I'm happy to say that I ended up with tickets. They're no VIP seats, but I consider myself blessed to have them at all.

In other news, I'm toying with the idea of moving my blog to Wordpress. Seems like I could do a lot of cool stuff over there, but I don't want to make a rash decision.

What do you think? Pros? Cons?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sheckler Returns to Blog, Explains Absence -- Excuses Abound

This is my first post in awhile. I would say it's because I'm lazy, but I've actually had a bunch of other, possibly more important things on my mind.

I finished my first year of higher education on May 1 and began a two-week summer course four days later. I managed to post a couple times during those two weeks, but after I finished my class I turned my attention to the dreaded summer job-hunt.

I was lucky enough to score a full-time job at the Goshen Public Library, where I've been employed on a part-time basis for over three years. One of my responsibilities at GPL is to help promote young adult activities such as the Teen Summer Reading Experience.

So, I'm experimenting with a wide variety of PR tools. I'm blogging about teen library events here, as well as trying out Twitter as a way of informing the public about library activities.

On a side note, has anybody had any success using Twitter as a PR tool for a company or organization? If so, I'd love to hear how you pulled it off.

Anyway, I'm pretty excited about the blogging/PR experience I'm getting at GPL. I haven't had time to blog here as much, but it's been worth it.

Now that I'm settling into my summer routine, I expect to start posting here more. Bear with me.