Monday, March 31, 2008

Back to Blogging

After a two-week break, I'm back to the ol' blog. I didn't plan to go on blog-vacation -- it just sort of happened. It's not that my well of inspiration dried up, either.

 In fact, I've had plenty of ideas that excited me over the last couple of weeks. I'd think, "Hey, that would be a great post!" Then I would start writing and get distracted before I could finish.

So what caused my distraction? Well, that's the funny part. I've been concentrating on class assignments and freelance work lately, so I haven't had the time for blogging.

Ironic that I hail blogging as the future of media, only to become "distracted" by classic print journalism. 

1 comment:

Ryan Paradis said...

you pretty much need a part 2 to "back to blogging" if you ever want to start this up again

frickin' blog! you dang com. major!