Saturday, April 26, 2008

Twitter Great Tool for Following Favorite Bloggers

I've been hearing about Twitter since I began following big-name bloggers like Howard Owens and Ryan Sholin, but only yesterday did I check it out for the first time. Basically, it's like Facebook stripped to the bare minimum. And it's pretty cool.

Twitter works like this: 

  • First, you visit and sign up for an account.
  • Then, you write a 140-or-fewer-word status update. This is a lot like the status updates on Facebook, but you can be a little more in-depth.
  • If you want, you can find friends, family, or colleagues to "follow" on Twitter. When you "follow" someone, you will be alerted whenever his/her status changes.
That's pretty much all there is to it. The "follow" feature is the coolest part. You can even set up your cell phone or certain IM services to receive text updates when the status of someone you're following changes. And -- even cooler -- you can change your own status from anywhere using your phone!

Right now I'm following Ryan Sholin, Howard Owens, and Sean Blanda, so I can keep up with their blogs. Feel free to follow me too (I know, it's kinda presumptuous of me to think anyone wants to know what I'm doing 24/7). Point is, Twitter's a great tool. 

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